Sunday, November 2, 2008

1st day of baking

Yesterday was spent in the kitchen. We tried 8 total recipes, 4 batters and 4 icings/glaze. Our final creations turned out pretty yummy! We will post pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and Paige: How proud two grandmothers would be of you two. MawMaw would be humming and baking with you and Grandma Lillie would be laughing and trying to pinch you!! Look forward to many recipes and pictures from you in the future.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and Paige: How proud two grandmothers would be of you two. MawMaw would be humming and baking with you and Grandma Lillie would be laughing and trying to pinch you!! Look forward to many recipes and pictures from you in the future.


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